About Anthony Greer

About Anthony Writes Content

As a full-time freelance content writer, I translate your strategic vision into informative, engaging copy. With a background in journalism, creative writing, and brand messaging, I excel at identifying unique ways to add value for my clients. 

Some of my past and current clients include Microsoft, BiggerPockets, and the New York State Children’s Alliance. I’ve written blog posts for newsletters with over 2 million subscribers, and my work has been featured in dozens of magazines and newspapers, including the Seattle Times. I have multiple long-form articles and guides living on Page 1 of Google, co-wrote a video game, and am the author of two novels (and working on a third).

If you need a B2C or B2B content writer who specializes in law, real estate, digital marketing, or leadership development, let’s chat! 

But that’s enough with the buzzword-speak. Want to know who you’re hiring? Read on:

About Me

Here are three facts of equal importance:

  • I’ve always been a writer. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do, and it’s all I’m qualified to do.
  • My parents didn’t teach me anything that would help me survive a zombie apocalypse.
  • The “self-cleaning” mode on my oven scares me. I refuse to use it without supervision.

As a kid, I lived an hour from Broadway and saw many shows — one of which inspired my hit play, In the Woods. It’s like what Into the Woods would be like if ChatGPT wrote it. Leave me alone. I was five! 

I got really into journalism in high school, hit my emo phase as a creative writing major in college (the first time), and dropped out to “find myself.” During that journey, I wrote those two books I mentioned earlier. I had an agent, but we were pitching a ghost story at a time when publishers were only interested in vampires and zombies. Genre fiction, amirite?! 

That’s what sent me down the self-publishing rabbit hole. Fun fact about self-publishing: If you don’t market it, no one will know it exists. So, I taught myself how to run a content marketing campaign, netting about $6,000 and 12,000+ downloads from the first book. It was a minor success and an invaluable educational experience. 

Equipped with this knowledge, I returned to college and graduated with my B.S. in Business Management and a minor in Marketing. That’s when I discovered that freelancing content writing is even a thing. It’s like being a journalist for a business: You report what you do to your audience and show them how your product or service can improve their lives. And yeah, that’s pretty much what I do now. 

Still interested? Then let’s bridge that gap between your content and its impact.
